Which? has also revealed that Zen is currently the only ISP to be awarded the Best Buy broadband provider status. ‘Zen Internet continues to impress and is the only service we recommend as a Best Buy,’ said Which?
Which? awarded Zen five stars for customer service, support and connection reliability. None of the other ISP’s tested scored this high within these categories.
‘If you want to be sure to get broadband that offers top-notch levels of service, go for a Which? Best Buy, as rated by our members, in our unique survey of home broadband users. With an overall Which? customer score of 89%, Zen truly deserves its Best Buy broadband provider status,’ said Which?
‘I am delighted that we have achieved this latest Best Buy from Which? It is a testament to the commitment of all our staff to our long-term mission to provide the best ISP service in the UK. We have many service improvements lined up for 2010 and I’m really looking forward to delivering these to our customers as the year progresses,’ said Richard Tang, Managing Director, Zen Internet.