swcomms has been awarded a place on two lots: local connectivity services and traditional telephony services. CCS has now awarded 10 lots and expects to award Lots 5, 10 and 13 in due course.
The Network Services 2 framework is for the provision of telecommunications and network services and can be used by the whole of the UK public sector and their associated bodies and agencies, the voluntary sector, charities, and/or other private organisations acting as managing agents or procuring on behalf of the public sector delivering services of a public nature.
swcomms sales director Sarah Flowers said: “This represents a real area of growth for the business and builds on our expertise in delivering solutions to public, voluntary and charity sectors. We will now be able to bid for projects that require the technology we specialise in and aim to build on our reputation as an efficient, trusted and customer-centric supplier.”
swcomms has worked with multiple local government, healthcare and education public sector organisations with the latter two forming 25% of their business. With more than 35 years in the industry, swcomms is also well-known for their work with charities and similar organisations.