Located at the Portchester Business Centre near Portsmouth, swcomms has had a presence in the south east for three decades.
Originally set up to look after a large customer in West Sussex by sales training & development manager Lynne Howard, the office continues to provide a base for the south east team, who look after businesses and organisations in Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire, West Sussex and East Sussex.
Sales manager Daniel Fuller-Smith said: “Despite our very obvious roots in the south west, we have multiple customers in this area. Reaching 30 years illustrates how established we are here and our general longevity in the industry.”
swcomms supplies and supports IT and communications services, such internet connectivity, telephone systems, data networks and cloud solutions. Some of their south east clients include Paultons Park, South Downs National Park and Chichester High School.
Sales Director Sarah Flowers said: “The south east is a very important area for us and it is well cared for by Daniel and his team. Although our headquarters are in Exeter, we have maintained our Hampshire base to give us easy access to our existing and potential new customers.”