The issue for companies in the professional services sector, who are required to store calls for up to 7 years, is that they may be unable to take their calls with them in an encrypted state if they switch their VoIP provider. Sense Lite is a simple solution using a mini PC which runs the recording software and holds all of the recorded calls in a compliant state independently of the SIP/VoIP services. It is seen as an ideal way to add value for current SIP users or for anyone looking to switch from ISDN to SIP.
Neville Bird, ReTell CEO commented “The take up of cloud-based recording, especially for businesses which have to adhere to regulation, is still taking time to penetrate the market. A major factor in the slow uptake is confidence in the security of cloud-based services. A further issue for small businesses faced with compliance is the cost of on-premise call recording. We’ve spoken with dozens of end users to survey what they want from a call recording solution and we’ve responded by launching Sense Lite. ReTell can now provide a low cost, easy to use and flexible solution that will meet the needs of businesses in many sectors including the professional services and retail, when it comes to compliance and regulation for call recording.”
ReTell have been providing call recording solutions for over 30 years and their Sense Pay Secure product leads the way in protecting calls for phone payments. Sense Lite is the first release of a comprehensive refresh to its portfolio in 2020.
The product roadmap includes mobile call recording, virtualised call recording and cloud-based call recording. Call recording is ubiquitous however the need for end users to abide by stricter regulation and protect data in a secure, encrypted and compliant way is the driver for ReTell to continue to innovate.
Derek Smith, UK Product Manager for ReTell added “Sense Lite is a low cost, fully compliant solution developed on established quality call recording. It’s never been easier for our clients to install, record, store and manage calls in a fully compliant way. Sense Lite offers all of the features you would expect to view live calls, playback calls, manage historical calls and generate management information reporting. Feedback during the beta trials has been encouraging and we will be expanding our manufacturing team.”