Working together with Think Beyond will enable Pragma to provide its channel partners with extended marketing support including a comprehensive analysis of their current marketing activities, strategies and systems.
Speaking about the partnership, Sales and Marketing Director of Pragma, Will Morey had this to say: "We are really excited about working with Think Beyond, an agency with an impressive track record of transforming the marketing functions of businesses across the UK. This collaboration will, without a doubt, broaden Pragma’s marketing support capabilities, and enable us to provide partners with strategic marketing support in addition to the assistance we provide with collateral, webinars, events and digital marketing”.
Further to providing Pragma's reseller partners with access to Think Beyond's expertise in improving sales processes, setting up digital strategies, marketing automation and inbound marketing, the partnership will see Pragma co-developing a series of guides to help comms resellers overcome the marketing challenges identified through Pragma's recent market survey.
Sharing her thoughts on the partnership with Pragma, Mercè Cozens, Founder and Managing Director of Think Beyond said: "We look forward to working with the team at Pragma to help enhance the delivery of value to comms resellers across the UK. With nearly a third of B2B companies claiming to have no formal marketing plan, the work we do together will undoubtedly help comms resellers embrace a more strategic approach to marketing".
The series of guides developed by Think Beyond and Pragma will be available for download on Pragma’s website over the coming months. The topics covered will include:
•Marketing automation
•Lead nurturing
•Developing marketing strategies
•Setting marketing KPIs