Research commissioned by leading IT Services provider, NG Bailey, sought to identify which factors most affect productivity and satisfaction levels in the workplace.
The results show that British office workers believe they could save an average of 4.3 hours a week (equating to 27 days a year) with the perfect IT set-up in place. Two-thirds (67 per cent) say that poor IT regularly holds them back from being productive, with half (49 per cent) being held back once a week or more.
Among those whose productivity has been held back by IT, almost half (44 per cent) report that they have suffered from stress as a result of failing IT not allowing them to work effectively. One in three (32 per cent) workers say they work longer hours to make up for IT failures and 30 per cent say they are forced to miss deadlines.
Bob Dunnett, managing director of NG Bailey’s IT Services division, says the impact of this on businesses is profound – and extends beyond just budget implications.
“It’s clear many businesses don’t currently provide the IT resources that could help their employees achieve maximum productivity. What we’re also seeing is that this is having a big impact on employees’ health and quality of life,” he says.
“CIOs and financial decision makers should weigh up the cost of improving their IT services with the implications of below-par IT on employees’ wellbeing and their company’s bottom line.
“With an abundance of new technologies driving innovation and driving down costs, there’s never been a better time for businesses to review their IT infrastructure.”