Messages that were running before the Covid-19 outbreak may no longer be applicable and certainly won’t acknowledge the current climate and set the right expectations for callers.
With 70% of business calls being placed on hold or transferred at some point of the caller’s journey, simply removing the previous messaging and relying on call tones is not feasible either.
The most appropriate solution for businesses looking to educate and engage their callers is to record new messaging to better inform their callers. However, if businesses record their own audio, callers may be distracted by low-quality audio, hard-to-understand accents and an experience that doesn’t reflect the professionalism of the business itself.
AudPro’s Music on Hold services remove all these boundaries by supplying professionally recorded, bespoke messaging within 48 hours of the order being placed. This enables businesses to quickly adapt their calling experience to the current climate without having to wait weeks for an alternative.
What’s more, AudPro’s network of professional voiceover artists and high-quality background audio options ensure businesses create an engaging experience; providing an opportunity to educate, inform for callers and even upsell products and services.
With 20% of callers that hear an on-hold production, making a purchasing decision based on information given, the right, messaging can certainly improve a business’ perception and help to increase revenue through this unstable period and AudPro’s 15 years’ experience in producing successful on-hold messaging means there’s no one better to record the perfect on-hold audio for businesses affected by COVID-19.