The poll, conducted by 3GEM, surveyed 1,000 UK office workers in large businesses about how their workplace culture and technology had changed in 2020, and the impact on productivity and employee engagement levels.
Mark Sweeney, regional VP of UK and Ireland, Citrix, explained, “Many UK businesses successfully invested in workspace technology and working policies that enabled truly collaborative and productive remote working for their staff last year. Yet, in some cases, Covid-driven changes to workplace technology clearly fell short.
“Deploying flexible technology which delivers a consistent employee experience anywhere and removes the friction from work is key to boosting staff productivity and engagement. Business leaders must prepare for a future where hybrid workforces are not reliant on the office on a daily basis, and set staff up for success no matter where they are working.”
Nearly half (45 per cent) of workers agreed that, despite changes during the pandemic making them more productive, they are more fed up with work than ever before. Two thirds (64 per cent) admit workplace technology is a key factor in their job satisfaction, yet poor workplace technology has left 45 per cent feeling disillusioned with their employer and their future at the organisation.
While not all digital investments in 2020 led to an improved employee experience, UK workers remain hopeful about the “promise” of digital. The majority (89 per cent) are confident that their employer’s workplace technology and work culture will eventually live up to employee expectations.