After all, good preparation ensures that a plan succeeds in implementation. Each country does this at its own pace and with its own rules. But a few basic elements are certain. Together, we must ensure a safe and hygienic environment and we must respect the social distancing rules.
Gobright from The Netherlands guarantees a safe working environment with the use of their smart technology solutions. Their slogan is “Creating Availability" for a reason. Availability in the broadest sense of the word is exactly what concerns us now. Gobright offers solutions for a better insight into the accessibility of offices, the presence of free workspaces, the availability of meeting rooms, and the employability of employees.
Of course, good physical solutions have already been developed to be able to work in the office according to the new guidelines. Partitions between the workplaces, ground markings, walking routes in the departments, and the use of extra (personal) cleaning products. However, there are more things you should think about, as an employer, even before the employees have taken a step in the building. For example, you want to be sure that not everyone is working in the same department at the same time. This requires a well-considered approach.
With GoBright's smart technology tools, the employee can book a workplace or a meeting room from home. That can be easily done via an app. The employer has already determined in advance which desks are "open" or "closed", taking the social distancing rules into account. He also indicated that the maximum capacity of a meeting room is now lower than before. With employees booking their workplace or meeting room in advance, you as an employer know exactly how many people are in the office and in which departments. Ideal for discovering trends like what are the busiest days of the week, or the busiest hours in a day. That way, you can advise teams to come to work at a different time or scale up the cleaning services on specific days. The employee is guaranteed to have a workplace and he is sure that the colleague with whom he works in a project is also present on the same day. The desks themselves have a ‘Connect’ built-in that shows, with different LED colors, whether a desk is available (green) or occupied (red). A very important color has recently been added to this, purple. Purple stands for ‘Needs Cleaning’. This indicates that a desk needs to be cleaned before it can be reserved again. This is visible in the app, as well as on the Connect in the desk. If a desk is ‘green’, then you are sure you can start your workday clean and safe!
“Different things are important to an employer and employee" says Chris Wiegeraad, Commercial Director at Gobright. “The employer has had a hard time in this Corona period and would like to get back to work as soon as the rules allow it, to limit the losses he made and to make plans for the future. He wants to strengthen the relationship with his employees and external relations again and likes to do so by allowing everyone in his ‘world’ as much as possible. This makes sense because there you can meet, collaborate, and experience products. But he must also adhere to the national agreements so that everyone feels safe. The employee sometimes enjoyed working from home, but he also misses face-to-face contact, the chats at the coffee machine or the brainstorming sessions with colleagues. He may even be relieved to be able to work outside of his home after all these weeks, but he would like to have certainty, clarity, and wants to know where he stands. As an employer, now more than ever, you want to offer that pleasant workplace.”