The new partnership agreement marks the latest stage of an ongoing relationship between the two companies that dates back several years, and was initially conducted via a distributor.
“We are delighted to have formed a direct partnership with Enghouse,” said Ross Woodward, Operations Director, NT Voice and Data Solutions. “Enghouse Interactive offers a range of solutions, ideally suited to the contact centre marketplace and has established a strong and well-deserved reputation for proactively developing, maintaining and supporting them over many years.”
“It was also a major benefit to us that Enghouse solutions are PBX agnostic. “Enghouse has strong capability in our core Avaya UC platform environment but its close alignment with Microsoft and with the Microsoft suite of collaboration products is also a big draw for us as we look to expand our market reach.”
“We are well suited to working with Enghouse Interactive,” continued Ross. “We have strong sales, pre-sales and engineering teams, which mean we can take highly-advanced products like CC and QMS and deliver them efficiently to customers with very little support. If we need a little extra help we know we can rely on the expertise of Enghouse Interactive’s in-house professional services and engineering teams.”
Jas Jhita, Channel Director, Enghouse Interactive commented: “We’re delighted to welcome NT Voice and Data Solutions as an authorised partner within our channel programme. It is a long-established company with a good customer base - and it has demonstrated its strong capability at aggregating solutions, selling them into the marketplace and actively supporting them. Although NT Voice and Data Solutions specialise in Avaya communications platforms they are also looking to build capability in other UC environments, including Microsoft, which will help it in seamlessly migrating customers who may want to switch to new interaction environments over time.”