CloudFabriQ has a 100% partner-inclusive strategy and is reaching out to Linux-centric ISVs, server systems vendors, SIs and data centre-focussed VARs which offer systems management automation and optimisation solutions. CloudFabriQ is looking to work with partners that can effectively and quickly integrate V-Maestro into their portfolios, consult on business processes and provide exemplary customer support.
Steve Charnock, VP of sales and operations EMEA at CloudFabriQ, said, “Partners can expect to realise incremental margin from V-Maestro software and gain an opportunity to provide added-value services around it. We have an unfaltering commitment to our indirect sales model and partner strategy. CloudFabriQ will strive to always provide excellence in working with and supporting its business partners.”
CloudFabriQ V-Maestro offers a new level of versatility not found in existing cloud infrastructure management solutions; being platform agnostic and offering complete hypervisor independence, it enables end users to scale physical machine management from just a few to 100,000 units. This results in increased business agility that revolutionises data centre automation, VM orchestration and rebalancing, additionally reducing facilities costs and carbon footprint. Combining all of the above with resilience, intuitive automation, rapid deployment and an easy-to-use interface, V-Maestro directly addresses the needs of organisations seeking a cost-effective, automated cloud infrastructure management solution.