Building on a successful 2013 when the company established itself as the leading Workspace Management provider, delivering a record breaking 400 per cent revenue growth, the announcement forms part of the company’s 2014 plan to further build strategic partnerships within the IT industry.
According to Gartner, more than 25% of IT spending is already outside CIOs' control and this figure is predicted to grow to 40% by 2015[1]. With business buyers often able to subscribe directly to cloud-based applications, the IT procurement and ITAM teams which hold responsibility for software budgets, accountability and contractual agreements are being increasingly bypassed. In addition, many traditional ITAM and SAM solutions which have been designed to track software by device, cannot cope with the new user-and usage based paradigm for software purchase and use.
Matt Ward, Softcat’s Head of Software Asset Management business said, “As a fiercely independent organisation, we are always looking for the best solutions to meet our customer’s IT needs. Centrix Software’s WorkSpace iQ solution’s unique approach to endpoint data analytics across multiple device types and its ability to integrate with our traditional SAM tools, coupled with our in-depth SAM technical knowledge will enable us to offer an enhanced SAM service to our customers across Government and the commercial sector”.
“Softcat is an established and well respected Microsoft partner with a reputation for being genuinely independent and completely focused on the needs of its customers to provide them with the right solutions” said Lisa Hammond, CEO Centrix Software.
She continued, “We’re therefore delighted that WorkSpace iQ’s usage analytics has been recognised as meeting a need not addressed by their already extensive product range. The combination of Softcat’s SAM experience and our unique workspace management technology presents a formidable partnership and we look forward to working with Softcat to solve the not insignificant challenges that the move towards cloud and consumerisation have on how IT usage is tracked and managed.”