Zen Internet has announced that it will be making its entire full fibre footprint available to its channel partners via its soon to launch Fibre Hub.
The announcement was initially made by Zen founder and CEO, Richard Tang, during the company's Partner Playback webinar in December. At today's Channel Live, Tang emphasised this commitment to offering partners this selection of full fibre alt-net infrastructure providers. He highlighted the upcoming availability of alt-net full fibre footprints from CityFibre in April and Trooli later this summer.
Tang, said, "There are about 100 companies building full fibre networks in the UK at the moment. One of these is Openreach, and of the others, there are about 20 or so scale players. We want to offer our partners access to as many of those alt-nets as possible."
In addition to partnerships with CityFibre and Trooli, Zen has signed a deal with Freedom Fibre, with plans to integrate their full fibre footprint into its partner portal soon.
Tang noted that Zen is also currently in discussions with several other alt-nets, including those focused on the B2B market, to further expand the range of options available to partners.
"The alt-nets are leading the best free market infrastructure competition since the internet began," Tang added. "That's great news for Zen and it's great news for our partners in terms of choice and competitive pricing. We're not stopping with the deals we've made. We're talking to a number of other alt-nets already."
Tang emphasised that Zen's engagement with alt-nets is ongoing, with plans to collaborate with additional providers in the future to enhance the full fibre offerings available to partners.
The Fibre Hub will launch to existing Zen Partners towards the end of April, offering a one-stop shop for full fibre residential and business availability. Sales and marketing campaign data and materials will also be integrated.