The updated platform includes a series of usability features including layouts, custom statuses, and auto-attendant messages. Xelion 8.3 will be made available to customers tomorrow (19th December). The update is available to all users as part of their existing licenses.
The updated platform includes a text to speech auto-attendant, which generates auto-attendant messages from text in a variety of languages and accents, removing the need to organise recordings.
Other new features include “call flip”, which allows the user to switch a call to any of their other devices, from or to the mobile app, softphone or physical desk phone, and enhanced “call pick-up” functionality within the softphone, which allows users to answer calls with a single button press.
Dave Reynolds, managing director for the UK, Xelion, said, “The release of Xelion 8.3 marks the end of a fantastic year for us, and will get 2024 off to a great start too. As ever, we’ve consulted partners on the features they and our users would like to see. For us, this is critical to making a user-centric service. Their feedback has been instrumental in creating a development pathway, and I’d like to thank all who took part.
“We’re delighted with the features and enhancements we’ve added, and after thorough QA testing we’ve launched successfully. Our partners have direct input to this process, and all users get the new version at no extra charge. To me, this sets Xelion apart and I look forward to another great year in 2024.”
Xelion 8.3 also includes the ability to create custom statuses, such as “holiday” or “maternity leave”, which will automatically update presence and the user’s availability in hunt groups and call queues. In addition, enhancements have been made to the to-do list functionality to enable users to create tasks for themselves or others, such as within hunt groups.
User softphone layouts can also be saved as templates and deployed across departments and organisations, to make standardised deployments faster.