WebRTC is a technology that promises to change the face of communications across the internet and is creating a tremendous buzz across enterprises globally.
With more than 20 million JavaScript programmers around the world with the potential to build Real-Time-Communications into their web applications and services, WebRTC School is the perfect place for them to get the skills they need to start developing.
The two programs available for students are, the “WebRTC School Qualified Integrator, WSQI™” and the “WebRTC School Qualified Developer, WSQD™”. Details and demos are available on the website at http://www.webrtcschool.com
For this launch a ‘limited time’ discount code ‘L633’ will give new students money off any of the programs.
Graham Francis CEO of the WebRTC School said, “Backed by partnerships with WebRTC World, the TIA, USTelecom and Comptel plus many other industry ‘giants’, we intend to replicate the success that we are having with The SIP School and be seen as the principal location for students to get up to speed and attain recognized certifications on this amazing technology.”
Phil Edholm, President of PKE Consulting and Chair of WebRTC Conference and Expo said, "WebRTC is a transformational technology. It will impact telecommunications, enterprises, web sites and create new business. With this training, developers can rapidly get to speed on this technology and be ready to develop products and solutions for this new market. And with the certifications process, their employers and customers will know they can get the job done."