
Transparency equals trust, says Siemens Enterprise Communications

An extraordinary two weeks has seen the UK financial industry engulfed in crises ranging from IT glitches to high profile resignations. The banks reaction to these scandals has left customers frustrated and in the dark about the real facts. Compounded by a series of customer service blunders and limited answers to the Treasury Committee, an air of dissimulation hangs over much of the banking industry.

The transparency of an organisation and five star customer service is key to ensuring customer trust. The communication and networking barriers that once hindered businesses are now disappearing. However, many firms are still struggling to successfully bring together their customer service channels, despite heavy investment in communications tools.

With increasing cloud deployment providing the flexibility to quickly scale up the workforce, and staff able to switch ‘on’ in a matter of hours, there can be no excuses for downtime in customer service provision. Employees can now achieve optimum productivity, whether working at home, in the office or on the move.

Rob Keenan, Head of UK Portfolio Management, Deployment Readiness Management, Siemens Enterprise Communications said: “If firms guarantee that their customer service is efficient and consistent they can ensure complete transparency. Without this, it is impossible to generate and maintain customer trust.

“Technology advances such as, unified communications (UC) and cloud deployment options are ensuring more effective responsiveness to customers’ needs. By bringing together all firms’ touch points and channels to provide a collaborative approach to customer service, a business can ensure a differentiated and profitable customer experience. The benefits are clear – the more flexible, scalable and ready a workforce is – the more consistent levels of customer service are.”