TalkTalk Business recognises that a fast and reliable internet connection is essential for running a business smoothly. Its EoFTTC service provides Guaranteed Symmetrical Speeds of up to 20Mbps and 80Mbps downstream ensuring a consistently high standard of service. This allows for the speedy transfers of large data files, the running of simultaneous applications such as SIP, video conferencing and real-time business applications.
The EOFTTC service runs on a dedicated network with 24/7 management and support and a 7 Hour Fix Time SLA, giving peace of mind that any issue will be restored promptly.
With the support of a newly formed Customer Experience team, TalkTalk Business has also enhanced the reliability of its connection, order journey and lead time:
• Reliable connectivity: Released a new firmware for the EoFTTC modem making customers' connections more reliable and stable than ever before.
• Seamless order journey: Partner internal order updates have been refreshed and automated to ensure Partners receive the information needed to keep customers completely abreast of progress all the way from order placement to handover.
• Improved lead time: Key sections within the internal order journey have been automated to deliver faster lead times.