Make sure you get yourself along to find out what your industry can offer you in terms of new products and services. There will also be plenty of opportunity to network with existing partners at the event and hopefully make a few new ones along the way.
The northern show is open to everyone but is specifically designed to cater for northern resellers that wish to grow their businesses and lead their markets. No where else will you find all the major suppliers under one roof and for two days you can come along, learn, network and find those opportunities that will enable your business to thrive.
Paul Barnett, Director at ICUK, commented "For the reseller market it's [the Convergence Summit North] a huge opportunity to expand their supply options, as opposed to solely considering those companies whose sole source of customers is via extensive repeat advertising and heavy sales tactics. In contrast we hope that our approach of knowledgeable technical and support staff on our stand can be a seen as a refreshing change."
Sara Brown, Senior Partner Marketing Manager at BT Wholesale, added "We are a committed supporter of Convergence Summit and it's a great way to touch base with our resellers and CPs, as well as our prospective customers. We are a channel only business and therefore our CP reseller community are vital to our success as a business. Our channel relationships help us to develop our propositions and portfolio offerings and we continually strive to offer the best customer service, range of products and services and excellent account management to all of our customers. We will be focussing on our key hosted portfolio and demonstrating how our underpinning data connectivity portfolio helps our customers to thrive and be successful in selling to their customers."
8x8 will also be attending the show this year, in a statement they said "8x8 Solutions are delighted to be at the Convergence Summit North this year at Harrogate International Centre. The Convergence events have always had a great following and with so many new services and products now available from 8x8, the time is now to show and tell!"