
'One number reach’ popular choice for adoption beyond meeting FSA regulation

A year after the new FSA regulations came in to force on recording all calls on mobile devices, we can see an array of solutions available to businesses which are up to meeting the challenge. Bringing a business into compliance no longer equals a long installation process and at great expense, both in terms of time for the reseller and money for the business.

For example, Toshiba’s partnership with Varaha has allowed resellers to offer its uMobility product, designed to routes all calls through the switch. This brings all mobiles into compliance with FSA regulations while also allowing a business to benefit from increased productivity – their mobiles become a fluid extension of an organisations’ existing telephone system. Our partners have told us that they find it to be a flexible and cost effective solution which can be swiftly and simply incorporated with existing communications systems or as part of a new product bundle.

‘One number reach’ also continues to be a strong selling point for adoption beyond meeting FSA regulations too. This allows businesses to ensure they are contactable at all times, whether they are in the office or working from home. At a time where it has never been more important to retain existing clients while continuing to engage with new prospects, resellers can go as far as to suggest that a business could not function effectively without an eFMC solution – think of the missed calls and therefore new business or client interaction opportunities a business can suffer without this technology in place.