The company today (Wednesday) confirmed that the original plans to cut 500-600 jobs on a voluntary basis will be at the top end of the scale with 600 people taking a package to leave by 6 July. In addition, the company announced today that it will cut a further 400 jobs with people leaving by 1 December. Remaining staff will be transferred to Capita on 1 July. Up to 3,800 people are affected by the outsourcing and redundancy plans.
Andy Kerr, CWU deputy general secretary, said: “We’re dismayed and disappointed at this latest announcement of job cuts from O₂ at such short notice. The outsourcing transfer date is less than three weeks away and the goalposts appear to be moving daily. This is not how a decent, responsible employer should behave.
“Our members in O₂ have been brutally destabilised by the actions of O₂. They’ve been given a very short period to consider serious decisions about their future. Many don’t know whether to stay or go; whether to take some money and leave now or take a chance on Capita.
“These job cuts will mean the permanent loss of decent jobs in these towns and cities. We remain gravely concerned for the future job and site security of people affected by outsourcing to Capita and we have further talks aimed at securing the best assurances we can for people’s jobs, terms and conditions. We’re urging all members to vote yes in the current ballot.”