The four- day holiday was the centre piece of The Edge internal inventive which is open to all members of staff and inspires inspirational customer and employee engagement excellence all year long.
The 12-strong party (which also included partners) recently jetted off to the Ja Palm Tree Court complex for an all-inclusive well-earned break. This year Monte Carlo is the star prize as staff strive to deliver exceptional customer performance to maintain the company’s position at the forefront of the communications supply industry.
Mat Weall, Head of Sales Operations, says serving the customer remains the number one priority for Nimans in an ever-evolving communications world.
“The Edge recognises, nurtures and inspires the highest levels of performance and engagement. It’s part of our ‘Voice of Nycomm’ strategy to inspire business success and an exceptional customer experience as staff strive for excellence to earn their seat on the plane.”
Last year New York was the star prize as Mat’s colleagues were recognised for supreme effort and professionalism.
He concluded: “It’s great that we are again repeating this initiative which recognises the efforts of everyone to drive the company to new heights of success. The winners had an amazing time in Dubai and I’m looking forward to seeing who rises to the top this year and heads off to Monte Carlo. It’s open for anyone who shines across the business, not just sales.”