Instant Messaging within organisations is growing in popularity and according to Microsoft 90 of the Fortune 100 currently use Microsoft Lync IM. Organisations recognise the need to archive their email for discovery and compliance purposes but often don’t think of IM in the same way and many are failing to effectively archive this despite its growing use and popularity with employees.
Mimecast Archiving for Microsoft Lync IM makes archiving this additional data easy and secure without the need for more hardware and associated cost on the network. Also search and statistics are available to administrators through their existing Mimecast online console reducing e-discovery complexity.
Engin Yilmaz, Product Manager, Mimecast says, “It’s great to see that more organisations are using Lync for communication and to improve end-user productivity. What is concerning though is that many of them do so without recognising they need to archive the IM conversation just as they do other electronic conversations like email. Also some of those that have actually considered archiving have chosen solutions that create more work for their IT administrators, add yet more complexity to their network, aren’t fully featured, are tough to use and add unnecessary cost to their budget.”