A spokesperson from IP Office said "This opens-up huge opportunities for agents to get the best advice and support to take to their end customers and be supplied through this partnership. Why not work with us? As an IP Office reseller agent, you will benefit from the experience of an established communications company backing you and supporting you and your end customer. Plus, healthy earnings potential from your sales."
IP Office specialises in the implementation of small business and mid-sized company solutions and tailor requirements to meet the head office and remote worker needs in telecommunications.
From Internet upgrades, high speed connectivity and systems overhauls, IP Office can help customers and provide very competitive telecommunications services.
"Our latest offers launching include contact centre solutions and call recording smart AI-NLP analytics, taking call recording information and converting this into relevant meaningful information to tackle compliance and customer satisfaction and help companies to improve measure and grow through this AI technology. All this at an affordable price point traditionally unreachable by the average SME business.