The GSMA has said it is committed and investing so that MWC21 Barcelona can go ahead safely and offer the experience that has made it an important mobile ecosystem convening platform. MWC21 Barcelona will also have virtual elements to complement the demand to convene physically.
Mats Granryd, director general, GSMA said, “With a continuously changing global outlook and following consultation with our board and membership and our top exhibitors, we have taken the careful decision to reschedule MWC21 Shanghai in February, and MWC21 Barcelona in June. The health and safety of our exhibitors, attendees, staff and the people of Barcelona are of paramount importance.”
The GSMA continues to work closely with the Host City Parties, and the decision to change the date of MWC21 Barcelona follows a period of planning and consultation with all major stakeholders. The date changes also ensure that 2021 reverts to a full annual cycle of MWC events between Shanghai, Barcelona and LA. Both the Host City Parties and the GSMA board support the decision of the GSMA.
John Hoffman, CEO GSMA Ltd., added, “We have been overwhelmed by the support of all our partners and clients who remain dedicated to ensuring MWC21 Barcelona is a success. MWC is more than just an event. It’s an experience that brings the whole industry together and provides a platform to unlock the power of connectivity so that people, industry and society thrive.”