UK VARs can claim their promotional code, co-brandable posters, and ‘five critical rules for handling passwords’ desktop background from Cloud Distribution, which highlights the best practices in password management. This promotion allows VARs to not only gain access to forghetti’s Password Management Application, but also helps to spread awareness within the channel and to end users about the importance of strong password management, protecting access to vital assets. VARs will have free access for 6 months to forghetti's premium subscription which includes unlimited users.
Adam Davison, Sales & Marketing Director said: “With the political uncertainty of the last few years, we wanted to start 2020 with a positive message that gets the channel thinking and provides education about the importance of password protection, something we all so easily forget or ignore. We chose to work side by side with a fellow UK organisation to help the UK channel. Our resellers can use this application, share it with their customers, their families, and their colleagues with our promotional code, and with our educational posters and desktop backgrounds. This program is all about British businesses supporting British IT channel businesses!”
How forghetti works:
•Draw a doodle and when you are done click the tick and your doodle will give you a password. Any doodle will generate a password, but when you draw YOUR doodle you get YOUR password.
•You can draw the same doodle and you’ll get unique, complicated passwords for each login. You only need to remember one doodle.
•forghetti’s confoundry generates your passwords on demand when you need them. They are not saved in a database anywhere.
•You can create groups of logins and share them with your family members or have them share some with you. Limit who has access to what, and keep your personal passwords separate from the ones you share.
Mike Crompton, Founder & CEO of forghetti, commented "One of the main causes of cyber-vulnerability is the human factor. A strong security mechanism has two vital components: On the one hand, the performant infrastructure and applications which constantly need to be improved, updated and strengthened and on the other, the awareness and knowledge of the user. Forghetti is a solution to both of these challenges. Partnering with Cloud Distribution and sharing a common goal with a focus on education, we hope to promote a healthier security conduct, make users feel comfortable and more knowledgeable about cyber-security, and last but not least to resolve the "password problem" for everyone."