The wayleaves will ensure households will be able to upgrade their broadband to a full fibre service without requiring them to personally secure permission from their landlord.
Wayleave agreements are a crucial requirement to connect a home or business to a new digital network. They provide the installers with permission to undertake the physical connection of the network to the premises.
Many tenants are legally required to ensure a landlord has granted permission for the installation to take place. With wayleaves secured in advance by CityFibre, people wanting to upgrade to a faster and more reliable full fibre network can do so quickly and easily.
Sanjay Sudra, head of wayleave field services, CityFibre, explained, “Working closely with forward thinking housing associations and local authorities, CityFibre is helping to ensure more people have fair and easy access to quality services, whether they own or rent their home.
“As we celebrate this landmark achievement, we appreciate there is more work to be done to help as many people as possible access to this next generation of connectivity.”
To reach this one million wayleaves milestone, CityFibre has worked with housing associations including Places for People, Thirteen Group, and Sheffield City Council.
This approach helps to make full fibre connectivity more accessible, addressing the digital divide and supporting an equitable rollout of the new digital infrastructure.
Helen Ivison, utility infrastructure manager, Places for People, added, “We know that fourteen million people in the UK have low digital capability and closing the digital divide won’t be easy. But through partnerships and long-term commitments, like the one we have with CityFibre, we can help to close this gap and support our customers to thrive in our communities.”