Phil Sorsky, Senior Vice President International at CommScope commented "It is fantastic to see that steps are being taken to meet the Government’s target of full-fibre broadband across the country by 2025. Five years to deliver on this ambition doesn’t give operators a huge amount of time and so it is encouraging to hear that CityFibre are creating 10,000 new jobs to deliver on this promise.
Alongside mobile connectivity, fibre broadband plays a key role as an enabler of economic growth and prosperity across communities. Such connectivity could ultimately be the difference between success and failure, particularly for smaller businesses who are struggling to get back on their feet in the wake of COVID-19. The fact not all areas of the country have access to reliable network coverage due to disparities in fibre rollout continue to leave some rural communities offline and excluded from the benefits connectivity is bringing to the nation – something all the more important given the recent restrictions on movement.
As we upgrade our networks, we must ensure no areas are left behind and all communities have the necessary fibre and wireless technology to enable greater growth throughout the UK. There is still much more work to be done when it comes to getting all areas of the country on a level playing field and now more than ever it is imperative that operators ensure these areas are not left behind so that people can stay connected to their loved ones and the latest developments from the Government."