Earlier this month Rachel, Bernie, Bev, Tabassum and Emily took it upon themselves to get fit and raise money for Charity by running the North Weald 10km Race for Life. Following weeks of evening and weekend runs, and countless emails, texts and Facebook posts encouraging people to sponsor, all managed to get across the finish line and raise a huge amount for a fantastic cause.
Rachel Verguson, IP service coordinator at Channel Telecom and one of 5 runners, said “We set out wanting to raise money for Cancer Research but couldn’t have imagined raising as much as we have, so a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us. It wasn’t easy, 10km is a long way especially when you run the same circuit but I’m glad we did it and am very proud of what we achieved”.
In addition to the girl’s fantastic achievement, Stuart Burdett and James Moores, both part of the Channel Telecom Sales Team, will be running the Boys Beating Cancer 10km, Newbury at the end of July. The boys (who would be the first to admit) haven’t spent much time running over the past few years, have decided to take on what is a huge personal challenge and raise money for a charity very close to their hearts. NewLife is the UK's largest charity funder of children's specialist disability equipment.
Clifford Norton, MD at Channel Telecom, said “I am very proud of all those who have put themselves out there and done something for equally fantastic causes. Cancer affects us all, one way or another, and the money the girls and those like them have raised is critical in the fight against this awful illness. NewLife is a perhaps a lesser known charity, certainly less so than Cancer Research but of no less importance. James and Stuart are doing a wonderful thing and I know how hard it has been for them. At Channel Telecom we encourage all our staff to undertake some form of charity work and cannot speak highly enough of those that put themselves out there. Well done to everyone who raised money and thank you to those who donated!"
There is still time to donate to both causes, every pound really does make a huge difference.