Simplifying the management of telecommunications was at the heart of Barrett’s Steel’s objectives for consolidating their voice and data networks. The new network improves service levels and bandwidth and uses a new Mitel IP telephony platform with 700 extensions covering Barrett’s Steel’s 30 UK sites.
James Barrett, Group Managing Director at Barrett Steel Limited explains: “We wanted a long-term partner that could deliver all of our networking needs within one contractual framework. With Azzurri, we are able to bring together our entire communications estate under one roof, safe in the knowledge that the continued evaluation of our business processes means we’ll benefit from the most cost-effective and competitive IT & telecoms strategy.”
For a steel stockholder, processing and distribution business, voice and data communications are vital to Barrett Steel’s operations. Azzurri’s ICON Connect platform will provide high quality IP telephony to underpin Barrett Steel’s customer communications and matches the intensive bandwidth demands of business critical applications. The new infrastructure also supports Barrett Steel’s future technology roadmap, offering a platform for the deployment of additional unified communications services, such as video conferencing.
As part of the contract, Azzurri will support the migration of legacy voice services to a SIP solution based on a highly resilient Mitel IP telephony platform. The wide area network will connect to office sites using a mix of Ethernet, Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC) and business-grade ADSL. Azzurri will also implement a new local area network with Wi-Fi support. All service components will be monitored by Azzurri and managed to ensure maximum uptime, quality of service and operational effectiveness for Barrett Steel.
Chris Jagusz, CEO, Azzurri Communications, said: “I’m delighted that Barrett Steel have entrusted Azzurri with the management of the communications infrastructure that their business depends on. Our ICON platform enables us to offer reliable and cost-effective networks that customers can rely on for voice and data communications, in the office, on the move and in the cloud. Because we manage the network and the telecoms supply chain, Barrett Steel can now concentrate on their core business.”
James Barrett concludes, “Throughout the re-procurement process, Azzurri clearly demonstrated to me that they were the only service provider able to deliver and manage our entire telecommunications estate with the technical and commercial flexibility that we required.”