Momentum Fundamentals is designed to give partners who are new to Cisco or have not sold the company’s technologies, or not worked with the company for some time, the resources to get their skills up to speed and their sales moving fast. It provides access to training and to specialist support staff who can assist resellers in getting Cisco-accredited.
Also new is Momentum Boost, which provides a specific pathway for partners to become accredited in Cisco architectures for Data Centre, Networking, Collaboration, and Security. Attaining an accreditation in these areas gives resellers added benefits and opportunities to profit, and increases their status and standing with potential customers.
“The Momentum programme has been hugely successful in giving Cisco partners the support they need to grow, and the new investments we’re making will make it even more valuable to many more resellers”, said Huw Jones, Business Unit Director for Cisco at Azlan + Technology Solutions UK.
“Many customers are now looking to revitalise their infrastructure for digital transformation and Cisco’s world-class technologies provide the perfect platform. There is good potential in the market for resellers with Cisco and the with the addition of the Fundamentals and Boost elements, we are giving more partners the opportunity to get involved, become Cisco-qualified and accelerate their sales.”