
Devices - August 2013

This month we have the Huawei Ascend P6 and the Samsung ATIVQ on show

Huawei have demonstrated their commitment to the UK market with their new shinny HQ in Reading just a month or so ago. The P6 marks their seriousness about the smartphone market and how they plan to aggressively compete in order to gain market share. The Samsung ATIVQ could be the answer to the eternal conundrum for the anti-Apple users out I go Windows 8 or Android? Samsung have crammed the platforms into one device to give the best of both worlds. In theory this could mark the start of something momentous, but does it really work? Find out below.

Huawei Ascend P6

P6There was once a time where the thickness of your phone directly correlated with how successful you were in life. Although those days are long gone that hasn’t stopped Huawei producing the thinnest phone in the market today (just 6.18mm). Somewhat rather astonishingly they have managed to pack a quad-core processor, 720p display and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean into the device.

Aside from the alarming thinness of the phone the P6 looks remarkably like the iPhone4 and begs the question, will we see any more legal battles emerging in coming months. Putting that to one side the phone actually feels like it has leaped up a couple of gears in terms of feel. It feels sturdy and the metal finish gives it a comforting rigidity considering its thickness.

The 4.7-inch display only comes in at 720p resolution which is nowhere near some of the other top devices out there today but is good enough for everyday users. Although the P6 comes with Jelly Bean Huawei have put their emoticon user interface over the top, I’m not sold on it because it’s that little bit harder to keep your apps organised. On performance there is a bit of a step down on the processing power on devices coming out this year but regular users won’t notice certainly won’t blow your socks off. One major issue is the heat coming from the device after extended use, although I’m told this will be rectified in shipped devices.

Likey – Super slim, feel, price

No Likey – Average Experience, Emoticon Software, Processing power


Samsung Ativ Q

Ativ-QDesign wise the AtivQ looks the business. It certainly feels a little more chunky than a lot of tablets out there but considering what the device is packing this is a small price to pay, think more tablet/ laptop hybrid than tablet. The keyboard is integrated into the tablet for and can be folded out like a laptop or folded back more like a traditional tablet. It also comes with an S-pen for those artistic types!

Now to the burning Windows 8 and Android complement each other in the same device? You are able to flip between Android and Windows modes with the push of a button which is pretty seamless and fast. When it comes to the apps you can actually pin Android apps to the start screen of the Windows menu meaning you don’t even have to keep flipping between modes if that isn’t preferable.

This device is a landmark in the tablet market which brings the business performance and compatibility of the Windows 8 platform with the rich depth and developed ecosystem that Android can offer. It really is the best of both worlds and I was surprised at how easy it was to switch from one environment to the other. For anyone considering a new laptop purchase they would be crazy not to take a look at this. Unfortunately there could be a snag...the price hasn’t been announced yet! We weren’t able to test out the suggested nine hour battery life either, I guess you’ll have to take their word for it.

Likey – Perfect for business and pleasure (Duel OS), power house, versatile

No Likey – Weighty, Pricey?, keyboard could be better.