Highlights are Nokia’s inexorable advance and Motorola’s ongoing surge – the RAZR continues to outperform. BenQ Siemens went backwards, but IDC thinks new handsets and the clearout of remaining Siemens inventory will see the vendor through this transition period. And ‘others’ are being slowly squeezed out of existence, or at least out of the mainstream.
Mobile phone shipments in Europe: Q1 2006
Who How many Change Market share
Nokia 13.9m +17% 34%
Motorola 7.3m +44% 18%
Samsung 7.1m +19% 17%
Sony Ericsson 3.7m +24% 9%
BenQ Siemens 2.4m -16% 8%
Others 6.3m -22% 16%
Source: IDC’s Western European Quarterly Mobile Devices Market Tracker.