Nokia’s 770 Internet Tablet appears to have become a surprise hit for the company. Demand for the product (available only in Europe and the US) is so great that the company has currently run out of stock,even though it is only available online, and customers are being asked to wait a minimum of two weeks while Nokia ramps up production.The 770 is an interesting exercise for Nokia. It’s a web browser and email client that works over WiFi – no phone functions like voice or SMS, no camera, no cellular network support. It does come with a Flash player in the browser, internet radio, and media players.So it’s clearly an attempt to extend Nokia’s product portfolio, albeit into a niche market. The 770 has no direct competitors at present.The Internet Tablet retails for E350. It runs on a Linux-based operating system, and was named Best Embedded Linux/ Mobile Product at the 2005 UK Linux & Open Source Awards. Regular updates are promised, including VoIP and Instant Messaging in the next few weeks.