With the EU legislation on the restriction of hazardous substances, RoHS, 2002/95/EC, coming into force, the whole electronics industry is reaching a major milestone. Exceeding regulatory requirements in many markets, Nokia’s target is to offer a full product portfolio worldwide which meets the very strict regulatory requirements in the EU. Nokia introduced the first fully RoHS compliant mobile phone, Nokia 5140i, in May 2005, more than one year before the statute came into effect. Similarly Nokia Networks has introduced it’s first fully RoHS compliant and lead-free Nokia FlexiHopper plus microwave radio product already in March 2005.Kirsi Sormunen, Nokia, says, ”Nokia is very proactive in its environmental efforts. Nokias’ compliance of its world-class product portfolio goes far beyond the borders of the European Union. By applying the EU guidelines to our whole product portfolio globally and by launching pilot products, Nokia has broadened the dimensions of the EU legislation in terms of geography and time.The phase out has been supported by the entire supplier network, the successful transition having been a huge effort also to our component manufacturers.”Nokia employs its “Design for Environment” approach in developing new products. The purpose is to evaluate the environmental impact of a product from the first sketches and material decisions onwards throughout the whole product lifecycle. By continually investigating viable alternatives for phasing-out additional substances, such as PVC and brominated flame retardants, Nokia will take further steps in its environmental efforts, going beyond the legal compliance of regulatory requirements.