There’s going to be a lot more of these products this year – Bluetooth-enabled speaker systems that allow the user to stream music direct from a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone or some other music device.

This is from French manufacturer Parrot, hitherto best known for in-car speakerphones and the like, the Parrot Sound System features a digital HiFi built into two speakers, MP3 and SBC decoders, two-channel digital amp with a graphic equalizer, and a digital crossover for separating the mid-bass and treble frequencies. SRP will be £244.99, shipments start in Q2.
Parrot also announced a wireless photo frame, a device which can display photos Bluetoothed to it from a mobile phone. We’re not quite as convinced by this one, but it is undeniably impressive in demonstration. The Photo Viewer ensures that the photos are turned to the right position when the viewer is turned from landscape to portrait mode, and they’ll expand to fill the maximum space available in either mode. The Photo Viewer will be £156.99 to the end user, again with Q2 availability.
Parrot also announced a wireless photo frame, a device which can display photos Bluetoothed to it from a mobile phone. We’re not quite as convinced by this one, but it is undeniably impressive in demonstration. The Photo Viewer ensures that the photos are turned to the right position when the viewer is turned from landscape to portrait mode, and they’ll expand to fill the maximum space available in either mode. The Photo Viewer will be £156.99 to the end user, again with Q2 availability.